
What is Sunflower Rose?

If you have read the "Who" section you will know that I am not called Sunflower nor Rose, but I am called Hayley. I do however LOVE Sunflowers and Roses. Hence the blog name!

I think a blog should represent the writer, both flowers make me so incredibly happy that it was a perfect name choice. I am from Yorkshire and the white rose is our symbol I just didn't think "Sunflower White Rose" flowed the same.

I am going to be blogging about everything I am passionate about, it's my life my great loves. Whether that is a new book that I have read or a trip that I have just taken (it could mean both senses of the word as I am extremely clumsy thanks to my medication!) a DIY project or just a post on how I am feeling.  

I do want to post as often as I can, however I do have IIH (with a shunt), ME, OCD and Chronic Migraines which do often leave me bed bound and unable to move I am on medication. So some weeks may be a little quieter than others, although if I'm not posting on my blog I will be on other social media my links can be found here.

I hope you enjoy your visit :)